Standard Conditions of Hire

Standard Conditions of Hire 2024

Herein after Hampsthwaite Village Room shall be referred to as ‘HVR’ and the Hirer named on the Booking Form as ‘the Hirer’.


All applications for the hire of HVR must be made on the website or on the booking form and be administered by the Booking Secretary. The person named on the booking shall be considered the Hirer, where an organisation is named, the person signing hereby confirms that they do so with full authority of the organisation. The Hirer must be over 18 years of age.


The maximum number of persons allowed in the building at any one time is: 40

Hire Charges

The hiring charges shall be those shown on the website/booking form and determined by HVR. Bookings made through the website must be paid in full at the time of booking using the details on the website.

For Hirers using the Booking Form, an invoice will be sent to you, from the Booking Secretary, prior to your event and must be paid before your event’s start time, Payment can be made by BACS transfer or cheque.


In the event of cancellation less than 7 days before the event, an administration fee of £15 may be charged.

Right of Refusal

HVR may refuse an application for the hire of the building without a reason. No organisation shall be deemed to have an undisputed right to an unbreakable series of bookings. In case of doubt or difficulty the Booking secretary or Chairperson shall refer the case to the committee of Trustees whose decision shall be final.

Hire Period

The hire of the building is for the specific agreed times shown on the booking form and does not entitle The Hirer to use or enter the premises at any other time, unless this has been agreed in advance by HVR. If additional time is required for example setting up and clearing away it must be booked and paid for at the usual hourly rate.

The building shall only be used for lawful activities. HVR does not represent that the building is suitable for any particular purpose and The Hirer must satisfy themselves in this respect.


The Hirer shall not sublet the building or any part thereof.

Right of Entry

During the hire period, right of entry to HVR is reserved to HVR Trustees, any Police Officer or any Licencing Officer from the Local Authority.

Breakages and Damages

Under no circumstances will any materials posters/pictures be attached to the painted walls using sticky tape, blu-tak, drawing pins or any other method.

The Hirer is responsible for all damage to the building, equipment, furniture, Wi-fi and property in the building occurring during the period of hire, or while persons are entering or leaving the building pursuant to the hire, however and by whomever caused. The Hirer will be responsible for replacement “as new” of any equipment, furniture or property and for the full cost of making good any damage to the building, fixtures and fittings.


The Hirer should be aware of the Fire Safety Floor Plan of HVR which is on display in the room. Hirers are responsible for Health and Safety issues, proving information about safety procedures, Fire Exits and the location of Fire Extinguishers etc. The Hirer must ensure that all escape routes are free from obstruction and can be safely used for instant public exit. Regular hirers are required to have in place their own written policies, procedures, risk assessments and evacuation procedures and for these to be regularly reviewed and practised.

Hirers are not permitted to enter the loft space.

Any accident must be recorded in the Accident Book to be found in the kitchen alongside the First Aid Box.

There is no telephone at Hampsthwaite Village Room. The Hirer must ensure that they have a fully charged mobile phone to use in case of emergencies.

Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk

You must ensure that any activities for children, young people and adults at risk are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation.  When requested, you must provide us with a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and evidence that you have carried out relevant checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). All reasonable steps must be taken to prevent harm, and to respond appropriately when harm does occur.  Relevant concerns must be reported.


Alcoholic drinks may be served free of charge.  No sale of alcoholic drinks, may be undertaken unless prior permission is sought from HVR and a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) for the event shall be obtained from the local Licencing Authority in advance and must be submitted to HVR prior to the event. No events may be advertised stating the availability of alcoholic drinks for sale without the prior agreement of HVR.

Smoking and Illegal Drugs

Smoking is NOT permitted in any part of the building at any time.

The Hirer must ensure that no illegal drugs are brought onto the premises.

Internet Access

Free Wi-Fi is provided within the building for use during the event. Search “……..” on your device and then follow the on-screen instructions for connection to the network.

Although we aim to offer the best Wi-Fi service possible, we make no promise that the Wi-Fi service will meet your requirements.  We cannot guarantee that our Wi-Fi service will be fault-free or accessible at all times.

Music Copyright licensing

HVT does not hold either the Performing Right Society (PRS) or the Phonographic Performance Licence (PPL) or, a licence to show films. If the Hirer wishes to play music or show a film the Hirer must seek advice from the Booking Secretary and   where appropriate, the Hirer must hold such licence.

Noise and Good Order

Hirers and organisers of events at Hampsthwaite Village Room are responsible for ensuring that good order is kept in the building during the hiring.  The Hirer must ensure that the noise level of their function is such that it does not cause unacceptable disturbance to or inconvenience occupiers of nearby premises.

The Hirer must ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night and early in the morning.

HVR must be vacated by 23.00hrs unless alternative arrangements have been agreed by HVR in advance.

HVR Trustees reserve the authority to stop the event or reduce its noise impact (eg through disabling of music systems etc) if unacceptable disturbance is being caused



Property of the Hirer must be removed from HVR at the end of the hire period or fees will be charged at the usual hourly rate until the property is removed. No food is to be left the kitchen at the end of the period of hire.

End of Hire

The Hirer is responsible for leaving all areas of the building in as clean a condition as found.

All empty bottles, cans, paper, food debris and any other waste matter must be cleared from the building and suitably disposed of.

All lights and electrical appliance must be turned off and HVR must be properly locked.

Keys must be returned to the key safe at the end of the period of hire.

April 2024

Review April 2025

Would you like to make a donation or become a sponsor?

We would like Hampsthwaite residents to become involved for running activities. We will acknowledge donations on a board in the room for those who have contributed to the upgrade of the facilities.
Hampsthwaite Village Room is a community room for meetings, parties, library, history archives and so much more.
We are proud to be sponsored by
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